Say Something | Teen Ink

Say Something

April 4, 2014
By LDRimmer BRONZE, Des Moines, Iowa
LDRimmer BRONZE, Des Moines, Iowa
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Say something to confess

Say something to cover

Say something to dissuade

Say something to dull

Those feelings to the open air and listening ears

The way that you gaze at them, unashamed and abashed

Them from inquiring about your distance, your space

The pain that you feel from their words, sharp as knives

Don’t give up the chase

Don’t give up the rush

Don’t give up the calm

Don’t give up the lust

Because if you do they’ll never understand

Because if you do you’ll miss their presence the most

Because if you do they might see through you

Because if you do you’d be giving up

Take the risk and say something

But if you do, you could lose all

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