We Are Savages | Teen Ink

We Are Savages

April 4, 2014
By bandscatsandcake BRONZE, Des Moines, Iowa
bandscatsandcake BRONZE, Des Moines, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The line
The waiting and anticipation
The doors open and your heart feels like it's running a mile a minute
You run up front and are instantly closed in

Then the amateurs go on
Then the next group
And one more
Then finally the ones you came for

You see the lead and you scream
Everyone screams and jumps, excited for what's about to happen
They push forward trying to get as close as possible
And as the first note is played
The crowd screams and jumps once again

The lead jumps and runs around the stage
Hundreds reach towards them, hoping to touch their idols hand
Others stand and watch as they cry
Not believing this is actually happening

The set ends and the crowd chants "one more song" over and over
As the reappear
Everybody screams
After the song
Everyone files out

It was the best night of your life
Even through,
The sweat; yours and others
Being pushed against the barricade
Being shoved in every direction
Screaming until your voice disappears with the last note
Ears pounding
The pictures and autographs
And lastly,
The saddening realization,
That it's over.

There's only three words floating in your mind,
We Are Savages.

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