Mother's Child | Teen Ink

Mother's Child

April 4, 2014
By Victoria Alberico GOLD, Yarmouth Port, Massachusetts
Victoria Alberico GOLD, Yarmouth Port, Massachusetts
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Fractured features,
Complete her face, and endure her struggles.
She bore me in challenging times,
And raised me to be a whole, a one.

Mother’s child,
Born in stricken times,
Heart broken and poor,
Chained to the bottom of the depths of life.

But as I rise above,
And sail the lapidarian seas,
I reconcile with myself,
For I am mother’s child.

Eleemosynary, veracious, cherished.
Mother’s child, conceived,
In war, and hate and luscious disapproval,
Mistaken, forgotten but worthy,
For I am mother’s child.

The author's comments:
learned from past experiances i learn to embrace all that i am, and how i was welcomed into this world. Mother's Child doesn't just symbolize my life, but the lives of other children who need love as well. being a mother's child is a gift. is a belessing. and all mothers love their children, no matter what the situation of the family might be.

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