about a girl | Teen Ink

about a girl

April 4, 2014
By girlfromthefuture SILVER, Jacksonville, Florida
girlfromthefuture SILVER, Jacksonville, Florida
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"smile, today is the first day of the rest of your life"

we're not easy to understand
try hard
but you'll die trying
our arms may not be covered in muscles
and we may not be skinny
and we may not be happy
but we keep going
because there is always a way

and while i suppose
the same goes for boys
girls CAN be stronger than boys
no matter the circumstances

like an abstract painting
we're full of hidden beauty
so sometimes you miss it
and you miss it once you realize
it was there all along

and to those girls who say
their not pretty
you are
and there is someone out there
who thinks so too
but don't wait for him
the poor idiot may be stuck in a tree or something

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