So What | Teen Ink

So What

March 26, 2014
By Anonymous

So what if no one was there for me
Or cared for me
So now I sit here and wonder why?
Well now I ask why not?
Why not prove them wrong for not believing in me
For putting faith in me
They are wrong
Because that was yesterday
And this is today
And today they are wrong
But they wish they weren't
But I don't
I am stronger because they said I couldnt
Because they kicked me when I was down
So what
Yeah I scrapped my knees
That's what band aids are for
They do heal
So what some leave scars
Those are just reminders
So what they pushed me past my limit
They helped me learn to break limits
Now I thank them
Because of yesterday I am me today
And I can be who I am meant to be tomorrow
So what?

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