I Hear You Still | Teen Ink

I Hear You Still

March 27, 2014
By katlawls BRONZE, Osterville, Massachusetts
katlawls BRONZE, Osterville, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on.
Henry Ellis

I heard your soft breathing as you laid across my chest. Long, sleepless nights I cradled you. I heard your footsteps run across the floor. Clumsy and unsteady. Slowly gaining strength. I heard your sneezes. One after another. As one too many dandelions were plucked from the lawn. I heard the sound of metal crashing upon cement as you bravely faced the two wheeler again and again. I heard the sound of a straining transmission the first day I lent you the keys to my Chevy. I heard the applause the day of your high school graduation. They said "all rise who will be joining the armed forces". You calmly Stood. I heard the sound of nails upon hardwood floor, as the dog scampered each time the door bell rang. Hoping it was you. I heard a deep, shaky voice inform me that I would not hear your sound again. It was wrong. Because I hear you while I dream. Your voice gives me comfort where it is hard to find. I hear your steps. Steady beside me as I walk the trail by our home. I hear you in the wind that blows the dandelion seeds across the lawn. I hear your laughter in the smiles of the children. Who ride to school on their two wheelers every morning. I hear you in our old Chevy when I turn on the radio and your favorite song comes along. I hear you in the silence. As everyone stands to take a moment. I hear you every time the door bell rings. I must admit. I still hope it is you.

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