Surely, Swiftly Go | Teen Ink

Surely, Swiftly Go

March 17, 2014
By kaytrah SILVER, St. Louis, Missouri
kaytrah SILVER, St. Louis, Missouri
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
we're all carried along by the river of dreams. billy joel.

Forget-me-nots do not bloom in this prose;
I will neglect what lies beyond my reach.
My heart leads me where I do not dare go,
my heart leads me down roads I dare not preach.

I must not write at shadows at my back,
I must instead turn my face to the sun,
for in that sky spin constellation maps,
siren songs, new ways to be undone.

Remember every shadow stems from light,
and every door is met by fitting frame.
If you let dust collect on swords made yet to fight,
then in every fight, hollowed be thy name.

If you love someone deeply, then fear no woe,
and if you don't, then let them surely, swiftly go.

The author's comments:
for everyone whose heart has been clutched too tightly by someone who has failed to wear gloves.

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