Galaxies at the hands of Paperback | Teen Ink

Galaxies at the hands of Paperback

March 16, 2014
By MysticMonarch GOLD, Hamilton, Ohio
MysticMonarch GOLD, Hamilton, Ohio
14 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"If you love something, set it free. If it stays in place because it has long wooden roots buried deep in the earth, it was probably a tree."- Night Vale podcast, via twitter.

laid bare before me,
times to travel,
boats to take.

Problems come,
but always go,
millions of times,
I've provided hope.

I've fallen in love,
I've fallen apart,
I've fallen down a million pits,
Fallen down where it's dark.

I've explored vast jungles,
I've conquered the seas,
I can walk on air,
and all of this just being me.

I can see the problem,
and I've worked it out,
I've saved the world,
without a doubt.

I've been dead,
And I've come back,
all of this in,
the hands of paperback.

As I sink into a chair,
where all of this takes place,
I inhale the scent of old pages,
a small smile in place.

The author's comments:
A little poem I wrote to describe the unmeasurable love for literature that I have!

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