Hell's Open Door | Teen Ink

Hell's Open Door

March 13, 2014
By White_lace BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
White_lace BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
4 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Without struggle, there is no progress"

Black lace braided her back
Like twisting vines of a rose
In her pain, he choked and laughed
As if it was a game and pose
She cast beautiful songs of her life
Painting each note by hand, steady and remorseful
Until he struck her with the pain of a knife
Did she begin to fall and crumble
To him, she was forever a slave
Never to be let out from the suffering he enjoyed
Her state of mind and heart was completely concaved
She had finally had enough with being beaten and toyed
Rising up from the cage she cowered from
Breaking through the bars of life that held her back
She ran and screamed ¨I'm done!¨
The doors of pain began to groan and crack
With one push she would be set free
But for her, he ran to claim her once more
She became stronger and fought him back to be free
One push, and she was out of Hell's Open Door

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