on the end of the sidewalk | Teen Ink

on the end of the sidewalk

March 12, 2014
By iamaflintpoet BRONZE, Washington DC, District Of Columbia
iamaflintpoet BRONZE, Washington DC, District Of Columbia
4 articles 1 photo 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
So the only thing that we have to fear...Is fear itself.


At the end of the road,
The end of the sidewalk,
Why do I wait,
Standing there shivering,
Completely alone,
Haven't I reached my goal,
Or yet am I still waiting,
Awaiting for the right person,
The right moment,
To determine my goal for me,
Or to be my goal,
Because while we cannot predict the future, we can wait until tomorrow,
But we only push on,
Because that's the only way to achieve, in life, in everything,
So we can't wait forever,
Only until we decide,
To cross the street,
And enjoy the walk

The author's comments:
I was inspired by waiting to cross the street to school and brooding about how we wait when we're already at the end.

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