Sleep | Teen Ink


March 7, 2014
By Jovan BRONZE, Columbia, South Carolina
Jovan BRONZE, Columbia, South Carolina
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"to give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift" -Steve Prefontaine-

As my body lay motionless under the beautiful pink cherry blossom tree the faint smell so sweet it could make anyone find peace with my eyes pointed towards the endless night sky and the stars staring back the freezing drops of rain striking my face with a stinging pain that burns at the slightest touch but i don't move the pain feels so far better than the thought of not being enough the disappointment that will never do anything to be someone i am that kid in the family the one with all the problems the endless amount of pain the pain of not being what my dad wants but it will be over soon It will be a happy end as i lay under the cherry blossom tree and finally find peace I can feel my body stop fighting the medicine has kicked in the pain my breathing has slowed the beat of a heart slows to a crawl the misery gone the darkening of mind and vision lets me know it will be peaceful soon my body will return to the dusts of the earth my soul shall sleep a endless sleep with one last breath all the pain is gone everything goes black my body parts ways my soul and it starts the endless slumber that knows no time

The author's comments:
This is my first poem. I would greatly appreciate feedback and comments on how to make it better.

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