A Soldiers Love | Teen Ink

A Soldiers Love

February 28, 2014
By AllTogetherMuddyAngel GOLD, Unionville, Missouri
AllTogetherMuddyAngel GOLD, Unionville, Missouri
17 articles 1 photo 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You Were Born An Original, Don't Die A Copy"

In a letter from a brown eyed soldier,
He sent her a paper dove,
He told about the time he’d come home,
The time he would see his blue eyed love,
In her letter back to him she told him how she feels,
She told him how she’s scared of death,
How she watched the news and deals,
Little did the soldier know he was going home,
In a casket with a flag on top she saw her soldier come,
With tears in her eyes and a brown eyed baby in her arms she knew she wasn't alone,
For in her heart would always be the soldiers new found home.

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