Paper Boat | Teen Ink

Paper Boat

March 4, 2014
By eawunder BRONZE, Arlington, Virginia
eawunder BRONZE, Arlington, Virginia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I could hear my heart beating. I could hear everyone's heart. I could hear the human noise we sat there making, not one of us moving, not even when the room went dark.

The sky’s filmy grey eyes overflowed.
Draining her sorrows upon the stale earth.
For years I waited idly for an amber hue to overtake the horizon,
while floods stole the ground away from under my home.
Confined within blank walls and stale air
Days filled with talk of sunny futures and twiddled thumbs.
I decided to build a boat.
A boat made of folds and dreams and scotch tape
Big enough to sail my sodden house, my drowning town, away from the rain
After toil and tears and sleepless nights that merged into sleepless days,
And a broken mind that had long been shattered and ripped into tiny, trivial pieces.
My paper boat was ready
Ready to carry everyone I loved away from the graveyard where we used to laugh and play and love.
I crammed everyone significant into its depths
Stood, solitary and waved farewell from my perch on a waterlogged dock
and watched as it began to drift over trees, roads, and roofs, towards paradise.
When it became just a speck on the horizon,
I began to feel the rain that still refused to cease,
As it pounded down against what was once a body, but was now just a shell,
Empty, alone, and drained by an ocean filled with shadowy fears and broken down dreams.
I sank beneath the folds of the sea,
curled up in a ball.
My heart full of a watery nothing.

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