Gave up on you | Teen Ink

Gave up on you

March 4, 2014
By slimjim246 SILVER, Mt. Horeb, Wisconsin
slimjim246 SILVER, Mt. Horeb, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I put everything in our friendship,
My heart, soul and so much more,
But I sooner realized you never truly cared,
I was a tissue to you,
You used me when you needed a shoulder to cry on and then you threw me away,
You did this time and again to me,
I kept thinking that this friendship I should keep,
But saw myself in the mirror and saw that this friendship was hurting me more than it was helping you,
I would try to stay in contact with you but all I got back was a snotty reply or worse nothing
It felt like daggers in my heart when you ignored me,
So I gave you one more chance one more time to apologize for using me and not caring
But you never said anything so I gave up on you
I did my best to do everything in my power to make you happy and be the best friend I could to you,
But inside it slowly drove me to sadness and madness,
So I unfriended you on facebook deleted your number and stop trying to contact you
It is the most painful thing to give up on someone because they don’t care about you
And then today I see you friend requested me, you came crawling back
But this time I am not going to be there for you, I am denying that request
Because I already gave up on you and it’s way too painful to go through this process once again,
You are never going to be a part of my life again,
I am sorry but you had your chance to say something
And I gave up on you

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