The Puppet | Teen Ink

The Puppet

February 26, 2014
By hgjohnson GOLD, Nerstrand, Minnesota
hgjohnson GOLD, Nerstrand, Minnesota
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

my life is a leaf blowing
in the wind
vivid but frail
silently submitting
to the daily mound of
the words and numbers
like the fist of a child
till nothing is left

my coachmen
steering me
the reigns pulled left
I have no choice
but to go
for I was broken
long ago
by the ones who own me

a robot preprogrammed
by an outside force
slowly losing color
given a personality
from the creator
his instruction manual
works for some but
not for me

I am a puppet
multiple forces
pulling my strings
going this way
then that
if made right
I will do everything
you ask

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