Grandmother | Teen Ink


February 22, 2014
By Maddiecrox BRONZE, Plymouth, Massachusetts
Maddiecrox BRONZE, Plymouth, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Grandmother thrives in a field of flowers, constantly in bloom

Her arthritic feet touch the lush green grass, dancing without pain

Her once white hair is lush and gold,
Waving in the breeze

Her memory once full of holes,
Now is crystal clear

Yes my grandmother is no longer here,
On this earth no more

Yet she lives inside all of us
Healthy and free

She escaped the pain and sorrow,
And now knows only joy

For my grandmother thrives in a field of flowers, Constantly in bloom

The author's comments:
My grandmother died of cancer when I was very young, and I felt like I needed to imortalize her in my heart, the ways I imagined her in heaven

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