What is the meaning of I Love You? | Teen Ink

What is the meaning of I Love You?

February 21, 2014
By NextTopModel BRONZE, Akron, Ohio
NextTopModel BRONZE, Akron, Ohio
3 articles 2 photos 0 comments

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Throughout life people will make you mad, disrespect you and treat you bad. Let God deal with the things they do, cause hate in your heart will consume you too.

I love you can be expressed in so many ways, sometimes it can confuse you and make you feel like you’re going through a maze. Many times it may hurt you and or bring you down, just because someone uses it just to clown around. I love you has been used to show how people feel, like joy and happiness that is for real. I love you is a phrase that shouldn’t be tossed around, like a piece of note book paper crumbled on the course dirty ground.The phrase and philosophy should be said with pride because; it’s an emotion that you feel inside. Many people take it for granite because they are alive but, what will you do when it’s your turn to die. What’s life without living and living without love, it’s like playing in the snow when you’re missing one glove.

The author's comments:
Each and everyday I go to high school and see many relationships that are just off and on. One minute they're saying I love you then the next time you turn around its I hate you. So I decided to write this piece to explain to people the meaning of I love you.

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