Running Shoes | Teen Ink

Running Shoes

February 20, 2014
By Tannmann3118 PLATINUM, Rochester, New York
Tannmann3118 PLATINUM, Rochester, New York
38 articles 0 photos 8 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The sky is falling, the wind is calling, stand for something or die in the morning." - Kendrick Lamar

I've seen people run from an unhealthy state.
I've seen people run to escape
from God knows what.
People probably.
I've seen people run on the field.
Evading not only defenders,
but poverty and obscurity.
Especially the latter,
because the roar of the crowd drowns out
the mere bark of the bank.
I've seen people run away from trouble,
trying to escape themselves,
not wanting to pay for selfish actions.
You could say I've seen a lot of running.
But I only see running away.
I never see
people running
towards each other.

The author's comments:
Everyone gets distant. Get closer.

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