Rama, Rahim | Teen Ink

Rama, Rahim

February 25, 2014
By DayBreak SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
DayBreak SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Mahatma Ghandi,
A bird in hand is worth two in the bush,
A land of pull and push,

An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind,
But a fire still burns in their minds,
Peace in binds for a piece of mind,

Back in binds for a pinch of salt,
A nation pulled to a halt,
A divided people at fault,

Mahatma Ghandi,
A man so gentle in nature,
So frail in structure,
Strong enough to shape the culture,

For a lawman at work,
A passenger on the train,
Freedom will reign,

In peaceful protest,
Till the day he rest,
In darkness he has shown best,

Mahatma, the great one,
In starvation for his nation,
A notion for his motion,
To a land of peace and tranquility,
That he will never see,
Until he fell to his knee,
And uttered the names,
“Rama, Rahim”

We thank you, great one,
Apologetic for the martyr you had to become,
Grateful for the love you’ve made plentiful,
And for the imprint you’ve left on the world,
The two nations that once quarreled,
Now at peace,
Now at ease,

These entities now sleep,
Just as you do,
In an attempt to,
And repent,
In sorrow for the life they had to borrow,

A life spent in anguish,
For freedom,
A wish granted with a hefty price,
A heart colder than ice,

A man bolder than most,
Who learned not to fear the path traveled least,
To defeat the beast,
That continued to feast,

The beast has gone home now,
And you have taught us how,
To love and let die,
Our differences that yet lie,
So we may keep both eyes,
And learn to live our lives,

In harmony,
An arm on our knee,
We admire the soil,
That supports us,
And now protects our beloved,

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