Definition | Teen Ink


February 18, 2014
By theAnimated BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
theAnimated BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
1 article 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Envy is ignorance; Imitation is suicide.

Define is derived from the word definition;
According to some I am defined as “cold”
For I refuse to wallow in a pit of my own sorrow.
But because I know I’m never guaranteed tomorrow,
I refuse to spend the time which I have borrowed
Burrowed in a hole, muffling the cries of my soul.
Solely so the world as a whole will never know

That I, too, feel.

But if tears make things modern and real
I’d rather be a child to whom the world is a fairy tale—fictional.
Because life was so much simpler when I was around the age of six, you know?

Define is derived from the word definition,
And some define me as “childish” or “immature”.
Because when younger, I dared ventured
Into the world of those who were older than me.
I felt so small; I was desperate to be the one someone would need or see.
I tried so hard to be in the right away of the socially righteous
But in the midst, Christ commanded me saying

“You've opened the wrong door.”

Ever since then I’ve been trying to go back,
But it seems the gates of return are sealed.
I not only have trouble figuring what is and isn’t real
But sometimes I don’t seem to feel.
It’s like emotionally, I am is tortured and abused
I am not a “child” “immature”
I am confused!

I don’t know what I have to lose anymore!
Am I opening or closing the correct door?
Am I running away from who I truly was or who I should’ve never been?
I’m not sure, but I’m positive you do not create my definition.

Define is derived from the word definition
And this is now a letter to some, any, all, most, and everybody else.
I am not to be compared, nor will you tell me who I am
For the only ones who write my definition,
Are my Savior and myself.

The author's comments:
I wrote this for my seventh grade poetry slam when I was going through a stage in life where I noticed how different I was from everyone else. This poem was a direct message to all of my classmates and to everything that told me being me is weird so I should try to not. I'd rather be able to write an awesome poem that be able to cry at the drop of a hat ANYDAY.

Anyways, this poem got published in a book, but some parts got edited out. Here it is for your pleasure and my first TeenInk submission. Enjoy!

~the Animated

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