The Cycle | Teen Ink

The Cycle

February 13, 2014
By Jordan-Tyler GOLD, Worcester, Massachusetts
Jordan-Tyler GOLD, Worcester, Massachusetts
16 articles 6 photos 9 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be yourself and you can be anything
Inspiration is a big thought that can come from little ideas.

The cycle begins.

Water trickles over us,
cleansing us as the soap purifies us.
We are then taken out of the dish washer and hidden.
Hidden deep in cabinets full of shelves.
For those of us who are not fancy China plates, we are used and get dirty.
We re visit the dish washer and start the cycle a new.

It is the circle of life.

The cycle begins.

We hatch.
We are huddled in the nest, cuddled and warm.
Our mother spits food into our mouths.
We seek our own nest.
We forget how to fly.
We remember our first flight.
We take off and soar the sky, and start the cycle a new.

It is the circle of life.

The cycle begins.

we are formed.
Fire shaped us into a bottle.
We were labeled and filled with liquid.
We were sent to a store where we were bought and used.
we are recycled and return to the fire and start the cycle a new.

It is the circle of life.

The cycle begins.

We bud.
We soak up water and nutrients.
We rise and envelope the sun.
We Bloom.
We get resources through our roots which connect us to the earth.
Seeds fall and growth begins and we start the cycle a new.

It is the circle of life.

The cycle begins.

We collect.
The cloud holds us until we are set.
We fall, quickly to the ground below us and gather together as we touch down.
We evaporate and travel back to the clouds, starting the cycle a new.

It is the circle of life.

The cycle begins

We are born.
We feed on our mother's milk and learn the ways of the world.
We are nurtured and we grow.
We leave our childhood and start our lives.
Many obstacles are out there to stop us, and we sway from the path of good.
We go back to our parents teachings, and start our lives a new.

It is the circle of life.

The cycle begins.

There is no I, only we and us. The cycle is infinite and its boundaries are not limited to human nor the living, but all apply.

It is the circle of life.

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