The Heart is a Maze | Teen Ink

The Heart is a Maze

February 9, 2014
By Jupiter91013 SILVER, Independence, Missouri
Jupiter91013 SILVER, Independence, Missouri
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
People laugh at me because I'm different,
I laugh at them because they're all the same.

The inaudible screams,
And the dank walls.

The intricate maze,
Cast a spell all its own.

It leaves many to ponder,
And many to gaze.

To finally give up and submerge yourself,
You would be amazed.

It makes people happy and hurt and sad,
But the feelings are authentic,
Don't feel bad.

The maze is a heart,
The heart you wish to steal.

The closer you get to the middle,
The more love inebriated you feel.

Though happy things can happen,
With certain paths you take.

If you are compelled to go down the wrong path,
Destruction and sadness surely waits.

The hurt will take over,
You can't take a break.

The maze will then crumble,
And fall in a hole.

A pit of despair,
And loss of all hope.

Just hope you take the right path,
And proceed with care.

Because the person you are about to hurt,
They have nothing to catch them but then air.

The author's comments:
The heart is like a maze,
so beware..

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