Journey to the Light | Teen Ink

Journey to the Light

January 31, 2014
By EmiliaWusch SILVER, Sometown, Connecticut
EmiliaWusch SILVER, Sometown, Connecticut
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment

A girl is born,
so young and pure.
Only time will tell what will become of her.

She’s taken to visit her cousin,
at place unknown.
Which will soon become her favorite place to go.

At this place she’ll be happy,
and embrace this atmosphere.
For she know’s she belongs at this place right here.

Her loved ones are close,
and know this place well.
For this was their home too those several years ago.

So now this girl grasps,
what will be a life long dream
A dream to return to this place and be a wolverine

Through the next years,
she’ll be one of the few.
That takes school seriously and works hard like she was told to do.

She watches the kid next to her,
who does not do the same.
He slacks off and plays and watches TV.

But unlike her peer,
she has a goal on her mind.
And that light in the distance she knows her work will help her find.

The girl’s dream still remains,
as she enters high school.
And she feels it as strongly as she did a little girl.

While she still must investigate other places to go.
The she keeps searching,
the more perfect the place is for her

So the girl keeps working,
and reaching for that light.
Yet as she gets closer life puts up a fight.

She's faced with obstacles,
each direction she goes.
And the light gets dimmer and casted in shadows.

The cave that she’s live in,
for so many years.
Grows colder than ever making her shiver and scream.

As the darkness increases,
she’s unsure what will occur.
And wonders if it will cover that light that guides her

For in the years past,
it’s this light that has let her see.
That there is a source of warmth at the end of this cold misery

As she questions this fate,
wondering if she’ll make it out.
A friend comes to guide her and tells her not to doubt

Only with his support,
will she continue to push herself through.
She’ll move forward slowly but she’ll do all she can do.

She’ll stumble and fall,
and need to be picked up at times
But shell never retreat and she’ll never let go.

The day finally comes,
she reaches the end of the cave.
And she feels that hint of warmth as she sees her dream in a gaze.

But one problem still remains,
a tricky one indeed.
A large wall is blocking her from that warmth and her dream.

This obstacle is unique,
and unlike the rest.
It’s not one she can jump over or avoid like the rest.

It’s large and intimidating,
composed of special green paper.
And to conquer it now will require help from many.
So here the girl sits,
waiting at the end.
Making any call for help that she can possibly get.

She has an alternate path,
that leads to a new place.
But that is not the dream that she has so long embraced.

Yet if help does not come,
she will have no choice.
But to take the new path, and leave her life’s dream behind

So disappointing it would be,
to come struggle forward all these years.
And not become the Wolverine she was destined to be.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Feb. 5 2014 at 10:27 pm
EmiliaWusch SILVER, Sometown, Connecticut
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment
The wolverine is the mascot of the school I really want to go to.  Thanks so much for the comment :)

JosiSunny GOLD said...
on Feb. 4 2014 at 6:20 pm
JosiSunny GOLD, Lehi, Utah
17 articles 0 photos 22 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We're all a little weird, and life's a little weird. And when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall into mutual weirdness and call it LOVE."
-Dr. Seuss

i loved it! but i couldn't tell what you meant by wolverine. but it leaves a me guessing and my imagination running :)