Techno sin | Teen Ink

Techno sin

January 27, 2014
By Liryka BRONZE, Baytown, Texas
Liryka BRONZE, Baytown, Texas
4 articles 1 photo 1 comment

we, the new generation
Bored, helpless, and feeble
Thinking we are living in the age of hardships
are newborns wandering blind
But with the ego to last us ten fold
Unwilling to listen to those who have lived it all

Emerged in the digital realm
Reaching the far corners of the earth
Exploring, discovering
But dying in our human skin-
A superficial society,
Incapable of looking beneath the surface
(to what's within)

In cased a wave of dumb emotions
The Fasten buzz of entertainment
The jester and the master to the masses-
Drowning them in a never ceasing water of Lethe

As a million attempt to be immortal
Through the means of current fame
It seems to be their only aim-
They are no longer
Painters, writers, seekers, creators
But sand one after the other
Numberless and indistinguishable

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