My Mother's Pain | Teen Ink

My Mother's Pain

January 27, 2014
By xXPrinceXx BRONZE, Pfafftown Nc, North Carolina
xXPrinceXx BRONZE, Pfafftown Nc, North Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Mother, I can see the pain in your eyes,
The pain that you try to hide from me.
The pain that you know only I can see.
The pain thats been there for these 16 long years, yet you still won't be real with me.
I know it cause this is MY mother's pain.

Day after day you frontin' to your husband, your children, and every other person.
I can tell you been rehearsin'.
But I know when you go away you aint doing nothing but burstin', from your eyes, crying.
Then all I can do is apologize, for nothing.
I know all this becuase this is MY mother's pain.

I wish that one day you will be happy,
When I can see you not feeling crappy,
And definetly not so snappy.
I only wish the best for my mother,
Becuase I don't have another,
And I wouldn't want one,
Because I'm her first son,
And when God made her he hit a home run!
Yet still her suffering ain't done
I know this becuase this is MY mother's pain.

One day my mother will feel peace,
One day my mother's pain will cease,
I just hope before she is decesed.
I love my mom,
She really is the bomb,
And I believe in time she will be calm.
I know this, becuase this will NOT be MY mother's pain.

The author's comments:
My mom was going through a rough patch and she was putting on this mask that I alone seem to see. I felt so bad for her so I just wrote this. I still haven't got the courage to show it to her.

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