Seasons | Teen Ink


January 13, 2014
By TheMysticalBlur PLATINUM, Delaware, Ohio
TheMysticalBlur PLATINUM, Delaware, Ohio
25 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Change your thoughts before your thoughts change you."

Seasons mean different things to different people. To me it means art. The leaves change with the wind, the sky with the hour. If you find a moment where all you can think is, wow, capture it. Don’t let any moment slip away. Time is an hourglass and the seasons are the sands inside. When you don’t take a chance to dance in the warm spring rain or to roast in the summer sun pieces go missing and you may need that piece for your life puzzle. Everyone thinks, works, feels, differently so my past won’t be the same as yours and my future might be close to the same. Emotions are like the weather, they change day by day. Weather mixes with seasons and seasons with years, but what I am trying to say is every piece of art, every person, everything is different so don’t let change take you by surprise, sometimes it’s bad most times it’s good. Capture all and keep it somewhere safe to you.

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