Why do I | Teen Ink

Why do I

January 8, 2014
By sk8er691969 GOLD, Elizabeth, New Jersey
sk8er691969 GOLD, Elizabeth, New Jersey
10 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
It's better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what your not.

Why do I keep crying
Everyday it's the same thing
I tell everyone your here with me
When the reality is
Your not here
Why do I feel like I can have you
Is this normal
For me to cry this much for
For the only person
That I love so much
Everyday is the same thing
I ask about you, I try to get
Get in contact
You never answer
I cry myself
Lull my body to sleep
I try and try
To keep the image of yourself
Alive in my head
Relive our moments together
I looked at your name today,
I started to cry
I felt an image of you slip away
As if I didn't exist to you
Like I wasn't there
My heart is telling me to stay
My mind wants me to leave
My body is torn
I want to stay
I want to leave
Why do I have to fight myself for you
When all I eve had to do was say
Phone much I love you
Why do I just have to be like this

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