Belief? A Theory | Teen Ink

Belief? A Theory

January 2, 2014
By GreenEyesAndPaleSkin SILVER, Carroll, Iowa
GreenEyesAndPaleSkin SILVER, Carroll, Iowa
7 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
If my love were an ocean,
there would be no land.
If my love were a dessert,
you'd see only sand,
If my love was a star-
at night, only light.
And if my love could grow wings,
I'd be soaring in flight.
-Hannah Baker, Thirteen Reasons Why

They speak of faith,
but I hear only words.
They praise a man they do not see,
when I praise a name I try to believe.
A cross in their minds,
a scratch on my heart.
or mistakes?
I am left mystified,
as to how so many
can believe
with so little.
They remind me of an excited child,
smiling with joy,
as a single cracker sits in their palm.
I feel like an odd,
in a group of evens,
in a place,
where the almighty takes you in.
No arms,
no words,
just a book that has long since been praised.
I sit in my secluded area
of wondering and curiosity,
like the book seldom used in a library.
Positions and laws,
religions and prayers.
Who do I pray to,
when death is at my siblings door?
Who do I worship,
when facts budge in?
Not Him.
Not when I've screamed,
into thin air,
that won't breathe my words.
Or atheist?
I'm trying to see,
but my eyes seemed to be blind.
My ears must be deaf.
Because all I hear is silence,
like the solid moon above me,
smiling with a wicked grin,
and cold eyes.

The author's comments:
this is how I feel about faith and God. I'm not quite sure what to think of it all

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