This is a poem to | Teen Ink

This is a poem to

December 20, 2013
By Randie BRONZE, Boulder Creek, California
Randie BRONZE, Boulder Creek, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

This is a poem to the forgotten.
To the misunderstood, the misused, the mistreated.

This is a poem to high school students,
who spend all night and all day
working towards dollar ramen noodles and dorm rooms and exams.

This is a poem to the trashed.
To the trashed planet, gasping for survival
To the trashed dream, lusted for but not tried for, sinking in hopelessness
and Facebook posts.
To the trashed human brain, coated with a thick layer of grease and a thicker
layer of dust.

This is a poem to the overworked and underutilized,
who suffer eight hour shifts to pay electric bills,
yet never able to see the light of life, behind
suppressing curtains of judgments.
To those tossed in the trash behind fast food counters,
never given the opportunity
to be free.

This is a poem to the people.
To the people
never seen.

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