What does it mean? | Teen Ink

What does it mean?

December 11, 2013
By NikolaTesla SILVER, Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts
NikolaTesla SILVER, Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don't Panic

What does it mean when you tell your children not to eat snow?
It is too poisoned for consumption
What does it mean when the statues face’s have gone?
The acid in our rain has increased
What does it mean when the scallops are dying?
We use too much fertilizer
What does it mean that the water is rising?
What does it mean that hurricanes are brewing?
What does it mean that people are dying from flood?
Global Warming.
What does it mean when people know the millions of facts?
The proof?
You just turn the cold shoulder and look the other way.
You continue what you’re doing
Your old-fashioned ways

What we did isn’t working
Think of the then
The lead
The waste
But think of the now!
The revolutionary ways!
We can stop if we want
But we don’t want
We like the easy route
The shortcuts
Well that shortcut of yours is going to end in a big ditch!

I can change
Can you?

The author's comments:
My Dad not believing in global warming, and all the bystanders and people like my Dad.

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