Wandering | Teen Ink


December 8, 2013
By drewp24 BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
drewp24 BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
1 article 2 photos 0 comments

My thoughts wander.

They wander to cities and countries
I’ve never been to.
I’ll just hop on a plane
Maybe I’ll take you.

They wander in this room
Why am I sitting here?
I could just get up and leave.
So why am I still near?

My thoughts are still wandering.

They are still wandering to that book.
The one I abandoned a few months ago.
I wonder how it ends
I guess I’ll never know.

They are still wandering to my aunt.
I am told I look like her,
But I’ll never know for myself
What our similarities were.

My thoughts will always wander.

They will always wander to my parents.
And my brother,
Even my future children.
And this is what makes my mind whir…

The author's comments:
I guess this poem just came from my thoughts. I'm sure everyone has daydreamed in school at one point or another, so I think most kids can relate in some way. I just kept tabs on things that I thought about often and wrote a poem.

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