Dark World | Teen Ink

Dark World

December 2, 2013
By Ripil24 SILVER, Thomasville, Pennsylvania
Ripil24 SILVER, Thomasville, Pennsylvania
7 articles 1 photo 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
" Darkness can not defeat darkness, only light can do that.Hate can not defeat hate, only love can do that."-Martin Luther King Jr.

I'm hiding
Hiding in the dark
No point in standing in the light
Where there's no where
No where to hide the fear
Light beats Dark
Yeah sure
This world is filled with the Dark
But where's the Light
If there's no Light
How can we find
Our way home
If there's nothing but Dark
Does that mean
We live our nightmares
But if there's no Light
How can the world show us anything
Endless fighting
but can't see past the lies
We're stuck waiting
For a Light to come
And when it does
We'll finally know
What it's really like
To live a happy life
One without fear of

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