You Scream and Shout | Teen Ink

You Scream and Shout

November 25, 2013
By Summergirl2963 GOLD, Mason, Ohio
Summergirl2963 GOLD, Mason, Ohio
15 articles 0 photos 5 comments

You scream and shout
Acting like a little kid
Too dumb to know
How you tear me down

You tell me you love me
But you leave me out
In silence; As I break down inside
Not knowing what you did

I can't help but think
You don't really care
That I'm not of importance to you
As you find "better" things to do

Wish you could see
The pain you've caused
And damage you made
Which sinks me like a stone

Like your favorite song on a cd
Scratched up and skipping
I sit here and watch
The motionless world go by

Hoping someday
You'll wake up and see
What you've done
And everything we've gone through

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