To Heaven | Teen Ink

To Heaven

November 17, 2013
By ALL_I_need GOLD, Elkhorn, Nebraska
ALL_I_need GOLD, Elkhorn, Nebraska
10 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams."

Daddy loves you, now go to bed.
Mommy loves you, and kisses your head.
Lights out, children tucked under the covers,
But stay up all night hearing mommy and daddy’s shouts and hollers.
They plug their ears to the same angry song,
Of who is right, and who is wrong.
Children forced to choose sides,
Of the foolish line of pride that divides.
And behind those furious bitter cries,
A condescending sorrow lies.

Just damaged not broken,
Take back the hurt that’s been spoken.
The good you can still salvage,
It’s not too late to save your marriage.
You’ve loved once,
You can love again.
Don’t fall back into lonely silence,
But love each other all the way to heaven.

Together you have raised beautiful children and have seen them grow,
You made a living then and have taught them all they know.
They’ve got dad’s nose,
And mom’s eyes.
Wiggle their cute little toes,
Giggle with joy and surprise.
Look at what a happy family your love has created,
Now imagine the pain of it all separated.
Set aside your differences,
And remember the instances,
Of when you listened and got along,
Keeping faith, trust, passion strong.

Just damaged not broken,
Take back the hurt that’s been spoken.
The good you can still salvage,
It’s not too late to save your marriage.
You’ve loved once,
You can love again.
Don’t fall back into lonely silence,
But love each other all the way to heaven.

When was the first time you fell in love?
When was the first more-than-friends hug?
The times you were crazy for one another,
Where there was never a worry or bother.
That initial moment that ignited your flame,
The compassion that sent it burning higher and higher,
Through the years it may have grown tame,
But it didn’t die out, there’s still a spark of desire.
You’ve lived together for so many years,
You’re bound to have your doubts and fears.
But your bond is stronger than that,
Never let the music of life go flat.

Just damaged not broken,
Take back the hurt that’s been spoken.
The good you can still salvage,
It’s not too late to save your marriage.
You are capable of loving again,
So love each other all the way to heaven,
All the way to heaven.

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