Flying Without Wings | Teen Ink

Flying Without Wings

November 14, 2013
By Sally Tinkham BRONZE, Gilford, New Hampshire
Sally Tinkham BRONZE, Gilford, New Hampshire
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dancing with the wind,
Weightless on my board
I’m walking on water, flying without wings,
My sail harnesses the power,
But I go where I wish.
I shift my feet slightly on the bumpy surface,
Preparing for the gust
Hitting in 3, 2 …
I shift my weight,
Lean farther out,
As it begins,
My dance with the wind.
Fighting against it, flying with it
I head higher, lean deeper,
My paradise.
Wind and water are all I need,
A feeling of pure calm, true peace
Spreads across my mind
As my body strains.
The wind,
Pulling me higher and higher,
As if I could rise up off the water
And soar into the sky.

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