Dead End | Teen Ink

Dead End

November 9, 2013
By LynetteT. SILVER, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
LynetteT. SILVER, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
This is a man's world but that's a woman's man

When you're driven to the end of a road on a path that you thought you'd never find yourself on and the traffic behind you won't let you turn back, the road signs ahead read Dead End.
And you're afraid to make a wrong turn, you're forced to believe that there is no other way but there is.
Take a young boy and put him in this situation and he might imagine a door with a fancy doorbell but would he ring it?
We were raised on negro spirituals of our past struggles but why sing it when the radio is only a symbol of the ears that are deaf to truth and the eyes that sleep on the silent youth that sits in the backseat just going for the ride armed in only a seat belt, strapped for life and never thinking they'd need help from a passer by with his windows up and two hands on the wheel?
But we all end up in need again after we've taken off on our life's journey. And as much as we love to pride ourselves on independence we don't deserve the glory of saying that we did it alone and never made wrong our friend.
If that was the case how'd you reach this dead end?

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