Sacrfices | Teen Ink


November 8, 2013
By Boots_2014 BRONZE, Palmer, Massachusetts
Boots_2014 BRONZE, Palmer, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
“It's easier to go down a hill than up it, but the view is much better at the top.”

To the men and women who serve this country,

Sacrifice their lives, rights, and comforts for our freedom,

To the mother soldiers,

Who give up time with their children,

To the unknown soldier,

Who died for our rights and we won't know who to thank,

To the families of a soldier,

Who won't know if he/she will come back alive

To the wounded soldier,

Who's lives are changed forever,

Visible or non visible,

To the medics,

Who have to witness such horrifying images,

To the Marine,

Who goes in first,

To the Airman,

Who patrols the dangerous skies,

To the sailor,

Who patrols the dangerous waters,

To the Guard Soldier,

Who trains to protect our homelands and stands ready,

To the 18 year old service members,

Who gave up their lives right after high school,

From the American Revolution to Afghanistan and Iraq,

You stand ready,

To the Police, Fire Fighters and EMT's,

Who will go to work to save the lives of many,

To the doctors,

Who will find a cure,

Who continue to find that cure,

Who put people at ease,

The fallen will never be forgotten,

The living will be living heroes,

For us all to see,

To meet,

To honor,

To remember on this Veterans Day

The author's comments:
Not only should we remember out veterans of war. I would also consider Police Officers, Fire Fighters, EMT's, and Doctors as heroes in our country.

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