Heart of Greed | Teen Ink

Heart of Greed

November 6, 2013
By m.rain GOLD, Cincinnati, Ohio
m.rain GOLD, Cincinnati, Ohio
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
~Carpe diem~(Latin for 'seize the day.')

Everything perfect in the palm of your hand,
Holding fast, tightly, never letting go.
The idea, the thought of it, seems so grand.
But till you've truly felt it you never know

How it clings to your heart and turns it black,
How it fills your thoughts, your dreams,
How when you have it,
It's almost impossible to go back,
And at first most don't even want to, it seems.

But it's clawed fingers, it's heart of stone
Soon reveal themselves,
And you see that its driven by hunger alone
A hunger for a world turned to Hell.

Hunger for hearts to replace its own,
For secondhand love when consumed,
A moment to savor a life that once shone,
Before it leeches off another, it's terrible job resumed.

At times you manage to push it away,
And pretend its gone for good,
But it's never gone, it always stays,
And soon it takes the place of where you once stood.

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