Believe.. Dream... Inspire | Teen Ink

Believe.. Dream... Inspire

October 7, 2013
By bobash BRONZE, San Jose, California
bobash BRONZE, San Jose, California
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Battered by the waves of segregation they stand,
Unscathed, unharmed, they wait for one man.
In hopes to be united, hand in hand...
To enjoy equality in the Promised Land.

Fifty years ago, that man ‘had a dream.’
To eliminate the premise of white regime…
For this King, stood, tall and proud,
Inspiring love and equality for all around.

One speech changed the course of history,
a dream based on hopes of prosperity.
Belief was the roots, then came the dreams,
sprouting from the soil and growing little leaves.
Seeds were spread from this now full grown tree,
Inspiring others to start to believe.

Millions of seeds were scattered into the crowd,
letting freedom ring throughout.
But those ideals are forgotten as the past fades away,
As there is no longer any one person like MLK.
But why can’t we be the ones to carry out his legacy,
And to continue his ambition of equality?

Like what about the boy who wants to run away?
Who is ostracized by others for he is labeled as ‘gay’.
And the only reason he still chooses the option to live
Is for his grandfather, who loves him for who he is.

Then there is the girl who gets bullied for her weight,
And is sent messages and letters blaring words of hate.
But instead of starving herself with those detrimental pills,
Her friend helps her become happy for who she really is.

One person had changed these victim’s lives.
One belief, one dream, one word of inspiration,
slowly tears down the walls of discrimination.
There is no need to inspire millions at a time,
For now it’s good enough to change just one paradigm.
You don’t have to be famous, you don’t have to be smart,
for to be the change it starts in your heart.

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