Foolish | Teen Ink


October 3, 2013
By DeMarcus BRONZE, Oak Park, Michigan
DeMarcus BRONZE, Oak Park, Michigan
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I can see you’re potential
But I can’t see your reason
I can see your special, you have a gift
And I still can’t see why you choose to act Foolish
I can see pass this you have potential

Materialistic things can’t be the reason
You have it all but every season it’s the same thing
The same routine you go to school at the same time
But you prepare yourself for the new gear other then a new year
By your body language it says you don’t care
School isn’t that important

Some people act different
They have different act or ways
You’re not an actor
Stop acting and be yourself

Class time you show up late
You rather talk to friends then get to class
Now you stuck in the hall getting a pass
Everyone gets out at the same time but yet again you arrive last
I still don’t understand why you act so Foolish

All this time you spend in high school,
you still might not be successful in life.
Less time in college but you will be alright
High school is longer but you plan to change in college
If you make it to college
You spent all this time in school acting Foolish
And I still never got it.

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