The Father | Teen Ink

The Father

October 3, 2013
By Muskaan Aggarwal PLATINUM, Folsom, California
Muskaan Aggarwal PLATINUM, Folsom, California
38 articles 0 photos 1 comment

The father.....

A parent, a watcher, a listener, a protector...

His eyes held nothing but joy as he saw his daughter for the first time, as he heard her say her first word, as he saw her take her first steps....

His eyes held worry as he saw her fall of her bike, as he saw her come home with tears in her eyes, as he saw her wipe those tears away and put on a fake smile....

His eyes held anger as found out that someone had been mean to his little princess.....

His eyes held adoration as he listened to her suck her thumb and talk, as her heard her jump up and down in excitement for getting selected.....

His eyes held pride as he saw her go up and claim the diploma, the medal, the trophy....

But most of all, his eyes held love...

Love for her peacefully sleeping form, love for her as she gushed about her first day of school, love for her as brought home a drawing for him, love for her as she presented him with the card she had made, love for her as she simply said “I love you Dad”......

The father.....

Someone who watches, who cares, who listens, who protects, who holds her as she cries, who tells her it’s going to be aright, who tells her she’s the best, who tells her she can do anything, who tells her he believes in her and makes her believe in herself....

The father....

Someone who is so much more than just the male parent.....

Someone who does everything just for her happiness.....

Someone who does everything to fulfill her dreams....

Someone who always forgives her....

Someone who can make her day light up when no one can.....

Someone who does everything for her and doesn’t expect anything in return....

Someone who understands her even when she doesn’t understand herself, someone who knows her better than she knows herself..... is the true father....

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