Mother Natures Master Piece | Teen Ink

Mother Natures Master Piece

October 1, 2013
By Crazykid SILVER, Silver Creek, New York
Crazykid SILVER, Silver Creek, New York
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

In the air is an aroma that tickles my toes and warms my nose. The colors shine so magnificently they light up our path way through the dark. With glimpses of memories that quickly appear comes joy, yet also comes fear. For this time of year there is so much beauty in death. The leaves crackle in the whispering wind and the colors paint a master piece across hills and valleys . As the beauty is to be seen so is something else. The darkness that lurks behind the art. Death. For leaves are dying and so are the trees. The ground soon to be covered in a wet, cold ,white blanket. Woodland friends scurry across the forest floor to quickly make their cozy nest and dens. Bountiful berries no longer exist. Dazzling daisies are gone. Mother Nature has blessed us with a new beauty, a beauty that sparkles in the sun and yet is so very cold. New creatures come out to play. Have no fear for soon the warmth will reappear, next year. Until then dear friends sit back and enjoy all aspects of mother natures master piece.

The author's comments:
It's been a while since I have published anything and I would like to know what you think about it.

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