Chasing Dreams | Teen Ink

Chasing Dreams

September 10, 2013
By A.K.Collins GOLD, Yuba City, California
A.K.Collins GOLD, Yuba City, California
13 articles 3 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Shoot for the moon, even if you miss, you will land amoung the stars.

You set out to face the world alone
Then you think you may never come home
So you take one last fateful glance
But decide to give it a fighting chance
That first step you take is the hardest
Once you start you cannot rest
Now you have to stay until the end
At least you have a steady loyal friend
You begin with a rocky start
But you know it in your heart
You know you are chasing dreams
It's much harder than it seems
When you catch a dream, hold on tight
You are in for a tedious fight
Not everyone can find their dreams
It’s so much easier to grab reality
But finding dreams, now that’s the fun
That’s what matters when you’re done
So grab a hand and hold on tight
Don’t give up on dreams even in the black night

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