I am From | Teen Ink

I am From

August 31, 2013
By Yummichi GOLD, Houston, Texas
Yummichi GOLD, Houston, Texas
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"When we make our own misery we sometimes cling to it even when we want so bad to change, because misery is something we know. The misery is comfortable." - Dean Koontz

I am from an empty house filled with cold words
I am from the house my father grew up in.
Small, homey, a facade of happiness.
I am from the God almighty,
Growing up with love from the king
Where my joy and happiness should have resided.

I am from hospitals and appointments
From office to office
I'm from the questions of what's wrong with me
From wondering what's worth living for
I'm from decreasing smiles
With a need for love
And hatred for those close to me.

I'm from watching a scale and portion
20 more to go and 10 calories too much
From the size 8 to a size 1
To the hospital filling my veins with unwanted sugar-water
Bringing me back to "healthy"
Yet bringing back smiles to those who once filled my house with cold words
Erasing the hatred I once felt
Bringing me back to my faith
Bringing me back to life and happiness

I am from a small blue house
Caressing me with warmth, support and love.

The author's comments:
Scho project

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