Mismatched Sound Box | Teen Ink

Mismatched Sound Box

September 1, 2013
By Phia10 GOLD, Seattle, Washington
Phia10 GOLD, Seattle, Washington
11 articles 0 photos 4 comments

All these broken words,
The ones I cannot say.

All these things I’ve been through,
They pushed you far away.

To a world where I have no place,
To a world that is your own.

A world that I had dreamed of,
Together finally,
That world is shattered now,
Never to be.

These thoughts I have,
Constantly running through my brain,
Like a record player, that can’t play.

It has all the words, and it has all the tapes,
The sound box is the only place
That isn’t working,
To make the sounds,

The sounds you want to hear,
I know,
But I just can’t let them out.


My hearts aching dully, no feeling left inside,
Once pounding with excitement,
Now there’s nowhere to hide

From the shattered hole that’s left,
Where my heart should be,
You pulled it to you,
So soft and tenderly,

Now it’s gone from my grasp,
Flown far across,

Over mountains and streams,
And cities

Gone astray.

It’s lost in your eyes
And your gentle sincerity,
I lost it to your frightening truths and you’re love for me.

You took my heart,
Please hold it dear,
Because I know,
This feeling,

it scares me to death,

Knowing I can love you,
You’re all I have left.

I gave you everything,
My heart and my soul,
I told you all my secrets,
And now I’m all alone.

Long hours spent thinking
Of what I did wrong,
Of the fact that I can’t change myself
No matter how hard I try,

I would if I could,
If only to keep you as mine.

These feelings, they tear me apart,
I wish you could see,

Because then,
Just maybe,

You might come back to me.


I see our lives together,
Against all odds,

Passing time forever,
‘till times all gone,

we look into each others eyes,
we have a conversation,
using silent words.

I remember the boy I met that fateful summer,
And I see the man he’s become,

Everyday thanking the heavens,

that I am the one he chose to love.

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