Finally | Teen Ink


August 27, 2013
By ladyknights24 GOLD, Brooklyn,NY, New York
ladyknights24 GOLD, Brooklyn,NY, New York
18 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't go looking for love, let love come find you"

I used to hate life
but that's because I screwed it up myself
but now that I'm older,
things have changed.

I finally get to text
and get clothes I want
and get the shows I like
and the food I enjoy.

But then there's summer.
It's good and bad at the same time.
good because we can go out a lot now
and bad because schools out.

School being closed for me
means to stay home all day
and just wait for the first day of school
and that's really boring

I only look forward to weekends
which is when I can actually get some fresh air
but guess what?!
there's only 13 days of summer left and boy am I excited to get back to school.
I get to meet new people again,
see my friends,
live the drama,
and make everything memorable.
Finally summer's coming to an end.

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