Through the Labyrinth of Life | Teen Ink

Through the Labyrinth of Life

August 11, 2013
By franciscoseambelar SILVER, Buenos Aires, Other
franciscoseambelar SILVER, Buenos Aires, Other
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Never apologize, never explain.

What could be said about me
Is that I am Argentinean, as my name suggests
Yet there is more to man than a single label of origin
As is the case with many of us
I have often thought that a person
Is not confined to the views of a single man
That he is not held behind a cage that only a few manage to open.
I believe that one can live many lives in a lifetime
Or have multiple personalities in a single soul
That is what my destiny has given me
As a young and simple boy I took my father’s steady hand
As he lead me through the world and the abyss
And with experiences I grew knowledge
The smiles, the laughter, and humors
The cries, the tears, and pleads
The life, the love, and the hatred of those whom I met on the corners of this planet
And with them I shared what I had
And learned what could be learned
For too many things are there on this earth for one man to endure
Yet when a boy of only eight sees a man drown before him
Or when he loses a friend to the mighty river
He loses the grip of thee who guides him
Lost is he in the shadows of the labyrinth
Yet he does not suffer alone
In order to continue straying through the labyrinth of life
As frightening and beautiful as it is
One must endure certain moments with others
By chance or design
Two souls are sewn as one, through a single cataclysmic experience
And though the memory of sadness lingers in the shadows of the mind
He who has been bound to you pushes forward into the golden light
The hand is still steady as he walks me through another corner of the labyrinth
And though I know not what hides beyond
I know I have him to guide me
Safely through the darkness and light
Through the labyrinth of life.

The author's comments:
This poem describes the suffering that we experience though our short lives, yet it stresses that there is always someone or something that continues to push you forward whether it be your father, mother, family, friends, God or anyone; it is them that guide you through the shadows of your time and into the golden future.

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