Behind a Wave | Teen Ink

Behind a Wave

August 8, 2013
By AlisonCornbee BRONZE, Mill Valley, California
AlisonCornbee BRONZE, Mill Valley, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The foam slides across the sand like a soapy sponge each time the waves break,
Gradating from turquoise to azure depending on where the sunlight strikes the water.
And right behind those rolling waves in the midst of their wake,
Floats along a dolphin.
Swimming with an otter.
A pall falls over the expansive sea and the clouds take control of the sky,
And from beneath the waves there may just be the sound of a dolphin’s cry.
The otter is unperturbed by the fog, for his fur coat is impermeable,
But the soaking dolphin lets out incessant sighs and the day becomes interminable.
The otter swims away from his sullen friend, disturbed by the dolphin’s state of mind,
But consequentially he’s swept onto the sand by a wave that snuck up from behind.
The sun light returns and brightens the sky.
The dolphin remains in the sea.
But the otter is so hot that on the sand he must lie as the dolphin is as comfortable as can be.
And as he lies on that inhospitable ground, he has one burning wish,
That long ago when the sun couldn’t be found,
When behind the fog and clouds it was bound,
When the dolphin let out a mistakenly despicable sound,
He had helped that mighty fish.

The author's comments:
I was inspired to write this piece while at the beach. While writing it, I changed the style multiple times and finally came up with a fun,joking poem. I hope you enjoy it!

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