WonderLand | Teen Ink


July 22, 2013
By L0V3M3 SILVER, Lexington, Oklahoma
L0V3M3 SILVER, Lexington, Oklahoma
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Sometimes, I question it.
The pain the sarrow.
If it's real or a figment of my imagination.
If it's what I need or what I want.
If this is it, or if there's more!
Mainly, I question if this is really life, or a dream.

I wonder why I walked down this path instead of a better one, a healthier and happier one!

Why all of a sudden, everyone thinks I'm so perfect and I have so many expectations on what I should and shouldn't do.

I'm not easily to love, nor am I difficult. I'm just a mysterious and heartbreaking lover.

And when I'm not loving someone, I'm thinking of ways to love the next, better!

All I wanna figure out is how I get stronger without getting weaker.

I question my love for you. And I wonder what it's like if it was real.

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