Wisdom of a Normal Girl | Teen Ink

Wisdom of a Normal Girl

July 23, 2013
By Carabien BRONZE, Wendell, North Carolina
Carabien BRONZE, Wendell, North Carolina
3 articles 4 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If I could reach up and hold a star for every time you made me smile, I would have the whole night sky in the palm of my hand."

Sometimes there are times that I feel as if life is a rushing rapid
And I am being swept away by its currents.
But I like to think that everything in life is significant.
Treasure every moment that makes you smile.
And always learn from your mistakes,
But don't fret because no one is perfect.
The key to having a good day is to
Wake up ready to tackle the world,
And when the world bites back,
Always get right back up and jump once more into the fray.
But remember to bring lots of bandages
Because the world can be a scary place,
Full of wars and tragedies
Horrors and homicides
The ugly, the bad and the sad seems to be the only pillars that hold up our fragile humanity.
And you are only one person in a herd of billions.
However, only one person is needed to make a difference
And that one little difference is enough to affect the lives of many.
So, always be mindful of what you do
Be considerate of others
And be wary of the untruths.
Do not be sucked by the pull of social gravitation.
Be your own person
Because you, yourself, is a significant factor of this tree of life.

The author's comments:
Everyday I like to read what's new on the news around the world, nationally, and locally. I hate being ignorant and I like knowing what goes on around me. Over this past year, I've read numerous articles about war, violence, bombings, murders and manslaughter, rape, child trafficking prostitution and teen deaths. However, the more I read, the more depressed I became and then factors in my own life began to affect me (but, thankfully not at the cost of the events I've read on the news). I couldn't help but wonder what my is my own significance is, especially in a life where so many ugly things happen.
But, then I watched a performance called "Hands" by a Spoken Word poet named Sarah Kay. I was enchanted and from that, I decided to write down my thoughts into this poem.

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